by Florence Blaudez | 2 Feb 2024 | Online Bullet Journal
Some people think that a Bullet Journal in which you can’t draw is not a real Bullet Journal.
Anyway, the particularity of a Bullet Journal is that you can customize it, adapt it to your needs and lifestyle.
And on top of that, the illustrations can make it fun to use.
With My Bullet online, you can customize the design of your account and create pages, add all the collections you want.
by Florence Blaudez | 29 Dec 2023 | Online Bullet Journal
Looking for a digital Bullet journal? Create a free My Bullet online account here! You like the concept of the Bullet Journal but you’re having trouble making it your own? Or maybe you can’t draw (like me), it’s ugly and you don’t want...
by Florence Blaudez | 27 Dec 2023 | Online Bullet Journal
If you are already using a Bullet Journal or are wondering about using one after discovering the complete Bullet Journal guide here, you may be wondering what My Bullet online could do for you. The big difference between a traditional Bullet Journal and My Bullet...
by Florence Blaudez | 23 Feb 2022 | Online Bullet Journal
If you have even a minimum interest in organization and productivity methods, as well as personal development, you have surely heard of the Bullet Journal or BuJo. But what is a Bullet Journal? What is it used for? How to create a Bullet Journal and how to use it? All...